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  • Front Office Suite
  • Nursing Information System
  • Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
  • Insurance Management (E-Claim)
  • Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE)
  • Lab Information System
  • Radiology Information System / PACS
  • Medical Billing System
  • Operation Theatre Management
  • Admission, Discharge And Transfer Module
  • Financial Accounting
  • Pharmacy Management System
  • HR Management System – EIS
  • Leave & Payroll Management
  • Inventory Management System
  • Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD)
  • Infection Control
  • Integration Services & Add Ons

Front Office Suite


Front Office Suite facilitates patient registration, appointment scheduling, consultation and biometric identification. The system allows patients to request appointments with physicians and captures relevant demographic data. It helps staff in issuing patient ID cards and generates a unique patient medical record number for easy identification.

  • Multi-location registration
  • Built-in insurance and corporate management system
  • Barcode management system and smart card facility
  • Touch screen kiosk
  • SMS/e-mail reminders
  • Unique Queuing Systems – No waiting model
  • Integrated point of care billing


Nursing Information System


This module optimizes the nursing services with respect to the execution of orders from CPOE. NIS manages clinical data from a variety of healthcare environments made available in a timely and orderly fashion to aid nurses in improving patient care.


  • Serves as a one stop solution for all activities of the nursing staff

  • Incorporates all the aspects such as nursing assessment, nursing plan, drug administration, nursing memo/note, nursing worksheet, body temp chart, nursing tabulation chart, nurse duty roster, nursing rhythm chart

  • Clinical whiteboards integrates real-time scheduling with EMR integration to enhance nursing work flow

Electronic Medical Record (EMR)


Keeping detailed patient medical records for continuing patient care is of utmost importance in any healthcare organization. EMR is designed as a powerful, flexible and easy-to-use clinical information system targeting point-of-care, decision support and research uses

  • Instantaneous access of patients records, lab results, radiology reports and images and easy referral of patients

  • Increased conformation to international standards in reporting and documentation

  • Saves clinician’s time by minimizing data entry through intuitive documentation

  • Facilitates physician mobility without compromising data accessibility or security

Insurance Management (E-Claim)


The Insurance Management module handles all the activities that are related to the insurance provider. Multiple options are provided to accommodate all the types of insurance packages. Multiple insurance schemes can be assigned for a single patient. Periodic population of the insurance packages can be done seamlessly.

  • Clinical Decisions Support System
  • E-Claim auto submission facility
  • Member verification facility
  • All electronic claim forms
  • Auto reconciliation facility
  • Resubmission facility
  • Auto pre-approval facility
  • Auto verification of claims

Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE)


The Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) module allows orders to be entered and electronically transmitted from the point of origin to the point of patient-services. Order entry includes laboratory orders, radiology orders, procedure orders and medication orders for both inpatients and outpatients. CPOE alerts various interactions like: drug – drug interactions, drug-food interactions, drug interactions with lab test, allergies to drugs, drug interactions in pregnancy and contraindicated drugs. Clinical decision support system reduces the work of healthcare organizations and reduces clinical errors.

Lab Information System


This module caters to the requirement of clinical biochemistry, clinical pathology, microbiology, immunology etc. The LIS streamlines all the process at the lab right from sample collection to result entry, authorization and despatch.

  • The lab machines including the auto analyzers are interfaced with the hospital information system and their complete operations are automated without human intervention
  • HL7 standards incorporates the ability to receive data from other lab machines
  • Sample management system creates barcodes and tracks the samples of blood, saliva, urine etc.
  • Generates automated results from various laboratory machines and updates patient records.
  • Ability to handle large number of specimens without compromising on safety

Radiology Information System / PACS


Radiology information system module manages the functions of radiology and imaging services. The module manages the maintenance of various results derived from diagnosis and reports the result to the concerned departments. RIS processes radiology orders, tracks the investigation status, records reports and does the integration of digital images.

  • Records, stores, manages and accesses all varieties of multimedia content – from images to videos
  • The provision to attach images and radiology reports to the patients’ medical records facilitates simultaneous view of both.
  • Integration facility with PACS system ensures easy storage and retrieval.
  • Due authorization process enforced by the software ensures that the results are accurate

Medical Billing System


A bill includes services, materials, pharmacy, consultation, laboratory and other additional and incidental charges. All cash and credit transactions with the patients are billed using this billing system module. Billing system brings out all the services billed into a common billing format, which has to be presented to the patient before he leaves the hospital.

  • OP/IP Billing
  • Consolidated billing of procedures and other services can be done
  • Generation of provisional bills
  • Advance/deductibles collection
  • Normal/corporate/insurance bill generation and settlement
  • Immediate generation and payment of bills
  • Reimbursement of cancelled bills quickly and correctly

Operation Theatre Management

  • All the major activities under the operation theatre are monitored by this module. This module helps in managing the entire activities of the operation theatre right from patient scheduling to the transfer to the wards after the surgery.
  • Schedule the allocation of operation theatres and operating teams systematically.
  • Recording details of an operation including list of surgeons, attending nurses, operation notes, nursing notes, operating time etc.
  • The module connects the OT to blood bank, pharmacy, consumables and investigation centres. The module also links up with the accounting and financial module
  • Template driven OT notes helps maintain all the details of any procedure conducted in the OT.

Admission, Discharge And Transfer Module

  • This module forms the core of the in-patient treatment and monitoring functions. It tracks the movement of the patient when the patient is admitted in a ward, shifted to another ward and discharged from the hospital
  • Helps in ward management like allotment of rooms, room transfer, room holding, and room status maintenance (like vacant, cleaning, maintenance)
  • Improve bed management by making reservations, moving patients from room to room and discharging patients from a single view
  • All services from laboratory, pharmacy and operation theatre etc., are handled through this module from the nursing station.

Financial Accounting

  • Manage Hospital Chart of Accounts
  • Verification & Posting of Center’s Daily Transactions
  • Voucher Entry (Journal/Contra, Single/Double)
  • Receipts & Payments (Cheque, TT & Cash)
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Incentive Calculation Module (Doctors, Referral Hospitals, Etc.)
  • Profit & Loss Statement
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • Trial Balance Report
  • Balance Sheet Report (IFRS Standard)
  • Asset Management
  • Cost Center wise Management

Pharmacy Management System

  • Health Insurance Management Module
  • Billing Module (Cash, Insurance and Corporate)
  • Sales Management Module
  • Inventory Management Module
  • Purchase Order Creation
  • GRN Creation
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Stock Adjustment
  • Stock Monitoring
  • E-prescription
  • Drug Prescription
  • Monitoring
  • E-Approval
  • E-claim Management

HR Management System – EIS

  • Alert System
  • Employee Information
  • Office Management;
  • Hierarchy Setup
  • Performance Management
  • End Of Service Calculation
  • Loan Management
  • Document Management
  • KPIs
  • WPS System
Our Services

Enjoy Our Special Features

Custom features tailored for our customers.


BARQ’s implementation team works side by side with you to make sure the project meets your goals and stays on time and on budget.

Ongoing Services

After you are live, our engineers close to you to make sure you are happy users of the software and get the most that you can out of it.


BARQ’s team provides customized peer -to -peer training, and resources for go -live and beyond, you’ll become confident owners of the system.

Continuous Improvement

Our team provides advice and assistance on performance improvement, value from data, monitoring, and regulatory support.

Guaranteed Works

At Sapiens we make sure our products are guaranteed

Technical Services

You get designated 24/7 support, system monitoring and regular check -ups to ensure your long -term success and improvement.

Leave & Payroll Management

  • Alert System
  • Leave Application
  • Leave ApprovalsLeave Joining
  • Machine Integration Pay Slip
  • End of Service Benefit
  • Finance Allocation
  • Salary Management
  • Incentive Management

Inventory Management System


Inventory Management is a fully integrated module covering the main and sub functions of pharmacies as well as stores. The central store as well as the peripheral stores can be monitored and the stock of inventory managed according to the demand.

  • Ware House Management Module

  • Approval Flow

  • Department Wise Inventory

  • Supplier Management

  • Material Request and Issuing

  • Consumption Management

  • PR/ PO / GRN / Purchase Invoice

  • Stock Adjustment

  • Purchase Accounting

  • Stock Monitoring

Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD)

  • Central Sterile Supply Department is a crucial unit of a mid-sized or large hospital. Its main function is to provide sterile items, linen, equipment to wards, OPD, OT etc. CSSD module performs a crucial function of maintaining the records of sterile supply in the hospital.
  • It allows managing various functions of CSSD department such as collecting, decontamination, assembling, packing, sterilizing, storing and distributing a multiplicity of goods and equipments to areas in the hospital that provide patient care such as sample collection, operation theatres etc.
  • It automates the process of managing and tracking supplies to and from every department. It is easy to implement hospital Infection control policy through the CSSD module.

Infection Control


The infection control suite is a novel package that tracks all the hospital acquired infections throughout the year. This module helps the management in tracking and controlling the outbreaks of hospital acquired infection. It is linked up with the wards, the OT, labs and the ICU. The beauty of the module is that it detects the hospital acquired infection automatically and analyses the results.

  • Identification of outbreaks of Hospital Acquired Infection

  • It identifies the source, the organism causing hospital acquired infection and the risk factors.

  • The exact location of the outbreak of an infection can be identified and the patients traced

  • Identify the patients who shared the ward and occupied the bed after the outbreak was identified

Integration Services & Add Ons

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Wearables Integration
  • Chatbot Integration
  • Patient Portal
  • Web Reporting System
  • Mobile Apps
  • Clinical Pathways
  • HL7 Integrations with
  • Biomedical Equipment’s
  • Chronic Decease Management
  • Third Party Application Integration
  • Business Intelligence
  • Drug to Drug Interaction
  • Q System Interfacing
  • Online Appointment Facility
  • PACS Integration
  • KIOS and AVAYA system integration
  • Feedback Management
  • CRM System
  • SMS & Email Integration